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English translation for "due to trauma"


Related Translations:
trauma and emergency center:  创伤和急症中心
transmit dues:  转口税,过境税
river dues:  内河税
due dilgence:  适当注意
entrance dues:  入港税
payment due:  已到期应付款
commission due:  应收的佣金
tonnage due:  吨税
full due:  正好
lighthouse dues:  灯塔费灯塔税
Example Sentences:
1.Clinical analysis on effects of low laser after replantation of children permanent tooth broken off due to trauma
2.Tracheal resection and reconstruction should be performed sometimes due to trauma or tumors , and tracheal prosthesis is preferred especially when the reconstruction of tracheal defects is more than 50mm . although the research of biocompatible tissue - engineered trachea is still in its initial stages , the perfect integration and development of polymeric sciences and life sciences provide necessary substitutes for tracheal prosthesis . polymeric biomaterials comprise mainly synthetic and natural materials
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